It has always been a difficult choice for many homebuyers when deciding which way to go with their home loan rate. With interest rates at an all-time low now could be a great time to lock in your mortgage rate, but before you do there are several points you must consider….
- If you fix your rate does your lender allow additional repayments? And
- Can you access them if needed in the future?
- What additional costs are there? Application fees and ongoing fees.
- What happens if I need to sell the property?
- Can I split my loan? Are there any restrictions?
Remember changing your loan is a great time to see what others have on offer. That’s why talking to a Mortgage Masters Loan Consultant will save you time and money. We will simply establish what is important to you and then check your current lenders offer to other lenders.
When we have performed this for previous clients we have saved them a small fortune.
Mortgage Masters are expert mortgage brokers in Newcastle, Maitland and Hunter Valley. Get the best mortgage advice by contacting us today!